Eden Marryshow

Eden Marryshow

Eden Marryshow is an award-winning Director/Writer/Actor from Flatbush, Brooklyn. For over a decade, Eden served New York City's Department of Education as a Paraprofessional where he taught some of New York City's most marginalized youth. Latina "Peanut" Bilbro, one of his most beloved students, would always tell him that she believed in him, she knew he was going to make movies someday. While driving to work on June 22nd 2006, Eden received a call that Peanut was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting. He finally realized how short life is and decided to keep his promise to his beloved Peanut, it was time to follow his dream... and to prove her right. Eden recently co-wrote, produced and starred in the Feature Film Bruce!!!! which garnered Marryshow the Grand Jury Prize: Best Director at the American Black Film Festival, the HBO Award for Best Film and the Audience Award at the Martha's Vineyard African American Film Festival, and was nominated for Best Film at Urbanworld Film Festival. Bruce!!!! opened Nationwide theatrically in March of this year in 25 cities through AMCindependent. Eden had his Broadway debut this year as Ray Mills in the Tony Award winning play INK. He is also excitedly gearing up to shoot the feature Flatbush in 2020. Dream Big, Go Hard! Lets Get It! Peanut, I love you.
Eden Marryshow


Archive 81
An archivist takes a job restoring damaged videotapes and gets pulled into the vortex of a mystery involving the missing director and a demonic cult.
White Girl
A college girl romping through New York City in search of cocaine and other highs finds something real to grasp, only to see it potentially slip away.