Jordan Frechtman

Jordan Frechtman

Jordan Frechtman is an American actor and screenwriter who was born and raised in Glen Rock, NJ. His first acting role was at the age of eight, when he played Sandy the dog in a production of "Annie" at Southwoods Summer Camp in the Adirondacks. While in college, Jordan worked at Southwoods, where he hosted many campfires and talent shows, mainly as his alter-egos: Tom Cruise, Alan Schoman (AKA Alan from Brooklyn), Chesley O'Houlihan (AKA Chet), among many others. He loved movies from a young age and would often run around his backyard pretending to be Luke Skywalker, James Bond, and Indiana Jones. His Bar Mitzvah theme was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Jordan played several sports growing up, his favorite being ice hockey. During his sophomore year of high school, he accepted that his dreams of being an NHL goalie were a bit far-fetched, so instead he decided to pursue a more realistic profession: acting. Over the next few years at Morristown-Beard in Morristown, NJ, His theatrical work included Dave the Bee in "2B or Not 2B," John Brooke in "Little Women," and Uncle Tony in "Lucky Stiff," where he so convincingly played a corpse that audiences were shocked when he finally stood up and began to dance. Jordan graduated from Emerson College with a BA in film, and a focus in screenwriting. He is currently writing and producing multiple film projects with his childhood best friend and creative partner, Conor McAdam.
Jordan Frechtman


The Neighbors Are Watching
When a handsome neighbor moves in across the street, a single woman trying to escape her past in the new subdivision believes she has witnessed her new neighbor committing a grisly murder. Unfortunately, nobody believes her. She is then forced to face her dark past head-on in a story full of twists, turns, and shocking revelations.
Apocalypse Island
  • Dec 31, 2016
  • English
Cam is the son of Pastor, the tyrannical, yet charismatic leader of the island. When Cam's sister Reilly falls ill, he must find a way to get her to safety or watch her die. Together with his friend Hannah, Cam discovers the sinister nature of the island. A harrowing game of memory and manipulation unravels-revealing that things are not always what they seem.