Cristina Franco

Cristina Franco

Born in Stockholm, Sweden, from a Spaniard father and a Swedish mother, Cristina was raised in Spain, France, and Sweden. She began her artistic career as a dancer in the south of Spain and Paris, France. Her professional dance career sent her through Europe, the former Soviet Union, and NYC, USA. Her natural inclination after dance was to do theater. Her upbringing and fluency in many languages, English, French, Spanish, and very comfortable with Swedish, Portuguese, and Italian, make her very adaptable to many different situations and environments. Her latest films include Barefoot, with Scott Speedman, and The Last Exorcism 2 with Ashley Bell. Cristina lives both in Los Angeles and NYC.
Cristina Franco


Money Plane
A professional thief with $40 million in debt and his family's life on the line must commit one final heist - rob a futuristic airborne casino filled with the world's most dangerous criminals.