Heidi Luo

Heidi Luo

Clean Comedian, Actress, and Educator was born in Shanghai, China. Award Outstanding Talent of the West Coast in U.S.A. by China's Got Talent in 2019. Performed at the World Famous Comedy Store in Hollywood and La Jolla, Flappers Comedy Club, The Comedy Palace San Diego and corporate events. She has been cast in films for variety of roles. Compete in the US Comedy Contest, San Diego Comedy Festival and Palm Spring Comedy Festival. She is 2018 LA Pride Comedy Festival Finalist and The Final 1 winner at Megestar -- First and largest world online talent competition She earns her master's degree in Global Economics in US. Heidi was the Assistant Director of Asian Pacific Business Institute. She has conducted extensive executive management training programs for government officials and CEO's from Asian and Germany. She has pledged to Make World a Lighter Place using humor and laughter. She has worked with many charities.
Heidi Luo


Gam Cam Grrl
  • Jun 04, 2020
  • English
An irresistible femme fatale lures a notorious hacker to Moscow to help her commit the crime of the century.