Burt Culver

Burt Culver

Burt Culver is a Los Angeles based actor known for his work in a variety film and television projects. He was born in Seattle, Washington and grew up between there and Cave Creek, Arizona. He trained at Australia's National Institute of the Dramatic Arts in Sydney and brings a palpable presence to the screen. Burt began acting in elementary school by writing skits and performing them with classmates. Burt brings to his material a diverse background ranging from serving in the US Peace Corps, volunteering at a county Emergency Room, interning with the Fish & Wildlife service, living on four continents, writing the highly copied password change email logic at Amazon, taking the MCATs, riding a motorcycle, and raising an amazing child. This depth of experience comes through in his roles. His first lead role in a feature film was in To Survive (2014). In preparation for the role, Burt walked solo across Illinois prior to the beginning of the film as his character did prior to the beginning of the story. He doesn't approach all roles through the method acting but it's a powerful tool in his toolbox. "I want my characters to inspire by pushing on regardless of life's cruelties no matter if the ultimate outcome is good or evil. It's the struggle that inspires hope." Burt brings to life anti-hero characters who the audience can identify with and root for despite the methods used to reach his goals. He often plays roles with a dualistic personality where the outward persona masks a tragic background. This year will see his lead roles in the feature films Mermaid Down (2019) and The Dinner Guest (2018). His past lead roles in feature films include To Survive (2014), The Paper Boat (2015), and The Bride (2013). He's also known for his smaller roles in Bastard (2015) among others and he can be seen in many cable and network television episodes.
Burt Culver


Mermaid Down
  • Dec 19, 2019
  • English
A mermaid is ripped from the Pacific, her tail is chopped off and she's thrown into a mental home where no one believes she is a mermaid.
Attack in LA
  • Sep 01, 2018
  • English
Three friends find themselves lost on Skid Row and are captured by an angry homeless gang.
  • Jan 24, 2017
  • English
A group of friends get lost in the seedy streets where they encounter a crazed gang of homeless derelicts that seizes them and kills them one by one. The surviving man escapes on foot, naked and unarmed, with a pack of depraved transients in pursuit, and only seconds away from capture.