The series intricately weaves the lives of the Murthys, delving deep into their personal and social media-driven struggles. The story begins with Nisha, a social media influencer constantly chasing trends and views. Her quest for online fame leads her to clash with her concerned mother, Sushma, a homemaker deeply invested in their building's society matters. Meanwhile, Nisha's brother, Shiv, hides behind an anonymous online persona while obsessively following news about a superstar's suicide. Us
A whirlwind power clash between the prime minister and deputy prime minister unravels the day the president suffers an assassination attempt.
The anime follows Ike, the protagonist raised as a demon who is feared as the strongest magician of the demon army. While hiding his human identity, he aims for coexistence between demons and humans in this rise-to-power dark fantasy.
- Jun 21, 2024
- Hindi
Bigg Boss OTT, also known as Bigg Boss: Over-The-Top, is the spin off of the Hindi reality TV series Bigg Boss. It is air exclusively on streaming platform.
Suspended inspector Gadar and SI Yashwant were summoned to a case in Haqiqat Nagar, East Delhi. The eerie discoveries unfold a media frenzy.
- Jun 01, 2024
- Hindi
Colors presents an innovative blend of celebrity personalities, culinary skills, and comedy, all coming together for a delightful entertainment experience.
It's the year 2896, in future city of Kasi, Bhairava is a bounty hunter with dreams of getting into the Complex, and BU-JZ1, an AI pilot of a Cargo ship, waiting for her promotion. At their lowest point, these two unlikely souls, find each other to set off a crackling story of ambition, adventure, partnership and mainly friendship.