

Swarnakanth, hailing from Vizianagaram, entered the film industry in 2016 with "Vangaveeti," initiating a diverse career. He has undertaken various roles, including those in "Lakshmi's NTR" and "George Reddy." Beyond the silver screen, Swarnakanth has participated in the VIVO IPL ad and assumed a supporting role in "IIT Krishnamurthy." Currently preparing for "Ambaji Peta Marriage Band".


Ambajipeta Marriage Band
  • Feb 02, 2024
  • Telugu
In early 2000s, happy twins Mallikarjuna and Padmavati's lives change on 25th birthday due to unexpected events.
IIT Krishnamurthy
  • Dec 09, 2020
  • Tamil
Krishnamurthy Who Is An IIT BOMBAY Student Comes To Hyderabad And Gets To Know That His Uncle Is Missing. Entire Story Revolves Around The Mysterious Missing Case Of Krishnamurthy's Uncle.