Bulut Akkale

Bulut Akkale

Halic Universitesi Devlet Konservatuvari Tiyatro bolumu (2009) Oynadigi ve Gorev Aldigi Tiyatrolar: Bakirkoy Sanatcilar Dernegi (BASAD) Genc BASAD Yonetim Kurulu Kurucusu (2003-2005) Hayal Sahnesi Tiyatrosu (2004-2005) Sanat Isligi Tiyatrosu (2005-2006) Gazanfer Ozcan - Gonul Ulku Tiyatrosu (2006-2008) Tiyatro Durak Kurucusu (2013-2015) Bakirkoy Belediye Tiyatrolari (2009-2016) Tiyatro, Klip ve Reklam Yonetmenligi, Oyunculugu Yapmistir.
Bulut Akkale


Siccin 2
  • Jul 10, 2015
  • OST
Adnan and Hicran are happily married however when their son die as a result of a mysterious accident Adanan becomes distant from his wife. Hicran starts investigating her past to see how it could connect to the death of her son.